Client: Job Center Mannheim.
Art director: Alexandra Maus.
Project description: Illustrations for the Job Center A5 format brochure about the benefits of legal work in Germany. The brochure was also made for foreigners looking for work in Mannheim, and was also published in Turkish and Ukrainian. I developed two characters and created a visual storytelling about their connections.
The cover.

The illustration about the undeclared work. At first this part had a negative message. What will happen to the employer if he/she does not officially employ his/her workers?

But after the client decided to change the subject to the positive one. And that how the illustration about advantages of a legal work was developed.

The next illustration is about the importance of signing a contract.

The illustration about the taxes. Here I wanted to create a mess on a table with a lot of invoices and recipes, food and pencils.

These illustrations I made for the following check-list about how to do everything right.